Diversified Intelligence - Your Facility Forecaster
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I keep the AuditMate report right here on my desk – I use it all the time. As a structural engineer as well as an executive director, I appreciate the usefulness of the information in quantifying what is in the building and what needs replacing. We are in the process of using the report to ask for money for a major renovation.

Susan Harrison
Executive Director
YWCA of Central Virginia, Lynchburg, VA

About Us

Headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia, Diversified Intelligence is the leading supplier of facility lifecycle audit software and services in the nation. Since our founding in 1996, Diversified Intelligence has used its flagship program, Facility AuditMateTM, to conduct lifecycle audits covering 60 million square feet of space at over 300 institutions. This experience, combined with our steadfast commitment to client service, has produced a long list of satisfied clients.