Diversified Intelligence - Your Facility Forecaster
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Before we had this tool we couldn’t make a case for capital renewal or deferred maintenance funding because we didn’t know what our needs were. Now we can easily and accurately forecast capital renewal budgets for any planning horizon. Diversified Intelligence gives us a sense of ownership over our information.

Carl Cogar
Assistant Vice President for Facilities
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH


What is a facility lifecycle audit and why have I never heard of it before?
You are probably used to the terms “condition assessment” or “building inspection” when it comes to identifying the condition of your plant and the costs associated with correcting any deficiencies. The idea of a facility lifecycle audit was developed in the early 1990s in response to the shortcomings of condition assessments, in particular, their inability to accurately identify needs past 3-4 years, their complete reliance on subjective analysis, their complexity, and their high cost. As with any new idea, consumer acceptance takes time but during the course of the past 15 years we have been able to effectively explain the advantages of facility lifecycle audits to 100s of clients around the world. Due to the high ROI generated by using facility lifecycle audits you will see more and more users taking advantage of the benefits of this approach.

My organization has only four buildings. Can I still use Facility AuditMate™?
We have conducted a facility lifecycle audits for organizations with only one building. The advantages of this approach are available to any property owner or manager regardless of their size.

I am interested in your product and services. What is the next step?
You can contact us by phone or email or you can request a demo. We will be happy to show you how Facility AuditMate and facility lifecycle audits can benefit your organization.

How much does Facility AuditMate cost?
The cost of the software depends on the size of your organization but generally it will be between $3,000-$5,000 for a primary license. Additional licenses are $1,500 each. Most organizations have 1-3 licenses. For larger organizations that require more licenses, we usually arrange a company-wide license. 

Are there ongoing software costs?
The license is a perpetual license but there is an annual maintenance and technical support fee of 10% of the license fees. Keeping the maintenance in force will provide you with automatic software upgrades and free unlimited telephone technical support.

How much do facility lifecycle audits cost?
The cost of a lifecycle audit will vary depending on the size, condition, and age of your plant. Please contact us for a free quote.

What is a Diversified Intelligence Distributor?
In an effort to better serve our clients, we are building a professional network of Distributors that will be able to have more direct contact with the end users of the software and facility lifecycle services. Distributors already have expertise in the design, construction, project management, or facilities management fields and will be fully trained on all aspects of Facility AuditMate™ and facility lifecycle audits. To see who the Distributor is in your area, contact us.

Can I become a Diversified Intelligence Distributor?
We are looking for qualified individuals and companies with experience in architecture, engineering, design, construction, project management, and facilities management to join our growing network of Distributors. Contact us for more information.