Diversified Intelligence - Your Facility Forecaster
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The facilities’ budgeting process has become a lot easier since I started using Facility AuditMate. It basically does your budget for you by providing actual objective data and projectable budgets that can be shared with the financial team. Now everyone is on the same page so we can make better decisions.

Brian J. Moore
Internal Services Program Manager
South Dakota DOT, Pierre, SD

Why Choose DI

Top reasons why you should choose to work with Diversified Intelligence:

- Diversified intelligence has 15 years of experience conducting facility lifecycle audits

- There is no other facility management software as effective at predicting the future as Facility AuditMateTM.

-Objective, persuasive, and actionable information that everyone on your team will be able to understand

- Long list of happy clients

- Proven list of advantages of applying the facility lifecycle audit methodology

  • Reduces costs
  • Avoids reinspection
  • Generates objective data
  • Produces hard-hitting reports
  • Provides ability to plan for the long-term
  • Builds consensus

- Net result: Increased funding