Diversified Intelligence - Your Facility Forecaster

Bowling Green University

Forecasting leads to increased funding.

Bowling Green State University owns more than five million square feet of building space including high-rise dormitories, classrooms, a central steam plant, administrative buildings, and several athletic facilities such as gymnasiums, pools, and a football stadium. Without an organized database of current facility components or their condition, the facilities team was unable to confidently prioritize capital renewal projects, thus limiting their ability to secure necessary funding.

The University hired Diversified Intelligence to perform a full lifecycle audit of its facilities. The result was a comprehensive database of 66 buildings totaling 4.6 million square feet. The campus facilities staff was trained in the use of Facility AuditMateTM , enabling them to maintain the database on their own. Now, the staff has a deeper understanding of their facility needs and objective support for their decisions.  The result is greater clarity and confidence when communicating ongoing capital needs to University management.

Bowling Green University

“Before we had this tool we couldn’t make a case for capital renewal or deferred maintenance funding because we didn’t know what our needs were. Now we can easily and accurately forecast capital renewal budgets for any planning horizon. Diversified Intelligence gives us a sense of ownership over our information.”

Carl Cogar
Assistant Vice President for Facilities